Help Wanted
Intern Wanted
Learn technology, free enterprise, help others and make money.
The notion of un-employment is the most absurd thing I can imagine. There is so much to do, there is so much need, how in the world can you be un-employed ?
Perhaps we have lost our understanding of the term freedom and free enterprise. There is no doubt that most jobs have been taken overseas, and to complicate matters technology is getting rid of as many more.
No doubt these are difficult times, more the reason there should be no unemployed ! We need to be all working hard to get out of this mess.
Perhaps we have schooled a population to become media watching self gratifying drones that can not sufficiently slouch to do work, or too selfish to be motivated to go help another.
Look at what this article has to say
"young people with no jobs who are living at home and putting off marriage and child raising — a “lost” generation in “limbo,”"
""Unemployment rates of those 16-24 are now officially over 50%. Even the cohort between 16 and 29 suffers from 45% unemployment. In short, in four years we have become Europeanized: young people with no jobs who are living at home and putting off marriage and child raising — a “lost” generation in “limbo,” etc. etc. They may have a car, borrow their parents’ nicer car for special occasions, watch their parents’ big screen TV, and have pocket change for a cell phone and laptop by enjoying free rent, food, and laundry, but beneath that thinning technological veneer there is really little hope that they will ever be able to maintain that lifestyle on their own in this present day and age. Meanwhile, just like some Middle East tribal society, “contacts,” “networking,” and “pull” are the new gospel, as parents rely on quid pro quos to offer their indebted, unemployed (and aging) children some sort of inside one-upmanship in the cutthroat job market."
The concept that our children grow into adults that expect the government to give them work is absurd. Or worse to rely on the favors and patronage of others to have a job is humiliating us as humans.
Therefore I invite you to intern and learn how to participate and succeed in the open battle we call free enterprise.