‘Where Angels Fear to Dream’ is a work of belief and love; reliving the history of man through Marxist eyes. I believe ‘Angels’ transcends beliefs and politics and addresses the development of life and human behaviour in a fair and, at times, amusing manner. My main wish is simply that you can read these words and join me (silently or openly) in my desire for a better and fairer world…
Click here to read it online or sign-up above to receive your own personal copy (either way it’s free!). Finally, please, if you can find the time, share your thoughts with me by email or through this website. Happy reading…
These crude, fragmented and somewhat child-like verses are, in essence, a stab in the half light at a truthful and scientific approach of how Nature, primarily, then Society, evolve from low forms to high forms from early civilisation to the present day.
This story is loosely based on the teachings of Marx, Engels, Trotsky and Lenin, who died in 1924 long before black holes had been discovered in the outer reaches of the universe or any theoretical knowledge of the tiny quark* had been elaborated. Lenin once wrote:
‘The splitting of a single whole and the cognition of its contradictory parts is the principle, one of the essentials, characteristics or features of dialectics.
In Mathematics: Plus and Minus, Differential and
In Mechanics: Action and Reaction;
In Physics: Positive and Negative Electricity
In Chemistry: the Combination and Dissociation of
In Social Sciences: the Class Struggle.’
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, is
historically doomed and like other social systems
before it, can, must, and will be superseded if
humanity is to survive.
Socialism or barbarism: thus the question is inexorably posed. This story is directed to the successful outcome of the former and I hope it will encourage all revolutionary fighters and members of the Fourth International to study the authors herein mentioned, in order to arm ourselves for a theoretical understanding so necessary for our victory in the coming battles. To study, not in a passive way but an active sensuous way, similar to the way we study the highway code when learning to drive a car or, a road map before embarking on a journey.
No one knows what a really socialist society will bring; let alone a communist one. Contrary to popular belief, we have never had either. Pre-written history yes, when we lived in communes, modern history no.
We do know of course that the release of the productive forces from private ownership for profit will facilitate a huge leap in our own development. What we will do with ourselves or how we will develop, who can say?
So the reader will bear with me if, when dealing with the future, I fall back on my own imagination, mount my noble steed Pegasus and fly back to the stars from whence we came.
* Quark - kwörk. n. any of a
triplet of particles, not yet found suggested as the
units out of which all other subatomic particles are
formed. [From word coined by James Joyce in Finnegan
’s Wake.]
Chambers 20th Century Dictionary 1983
What a piece of work is a
How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties
In form and moving, how express and admirable.
In action, how like an angel. In apprehension how
like a god
The beauty of the world, the paragon of animals.
The laws of History are
stronger than
the bureaucratic machine.
Read ‘Where Angels Fear to Dream’ Online
Whether you read my story or not, please accept
my sincere wishes for a peaceful and happy life.
Best Wishes,
Wilfrid Downing
Street and Station Poet