We as a people as well as individuals see ourselves following a certain direction in our lives, at its end we expect it to have had some reasonable value through a life done well. If there is a direction or if we only we perceive there is a direction to existence we are still faced with ourselves, our purpose, and who we are. We are empathetic, we understand and recognize that there is suffering and if we can alleviate suffering, it would be important to do so. Neither today, nor in the past, have we seen the kind of existence that we imagine Eden to have been. Yet at the core of our humanity we understand Eden. With some optimism, we can believe that the changes over the past 300 years have resulted in a better standard of living for many. It appears there may be progress. A possibility... a simple, safe, loving existence for all. There is a natural altruism in us. Many of us would gladly give our lives so that future others would fair better. Not all believe this way, yet it's the way many nurtured and educated children feel as they grow into adulthood. It would appear an obvious conclusion that nurture and education is key to finding a solution to suffering. Our Christian beliefs give us Christ who asked us to care for the poor, love our enemies, be charitable, and that there is no reward in riches. Crucified... evil act, or simple ignorance "forgive them they know not what they do". How many millions of children have suffered no less than Christ. Knowledge is how you stop what we believe is evil as well as encourage what we understand good is. Knowledge is what enriches this momentary blink we call life and permits us to help one another. I believe its possible to build a successful business enterprise with altruism rather than greed as the invisible hand that controls its economics. A business framework that is social as well as economic. Where education and community values create economies, and suppress the need for personal wealth, all while generating surplus to provide charity. |
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