gary north


Video, sound, VoIP and all other functions can now be self contained in one site, since its free, it is only limited by a the capacity to learn. Today this is so advanced and becoming even more advanced every day that it has gone beyond YouTube for video. In November Mozilla, will come out with "Popcorn", available now as a developers version. Popcorn will completely change the way we see videos and exchange information, and its free.
Drupal already has the module ready, I have not yet used it...
My 8 year old can take, download and embed videos, nothing fancy.  What is important is that all his work is carefully stored away, dated, in a database,and secure. Pictures and videos pictures of him, his Lego, first bike ride, music, and studies all in one place where I can turn it into a single Zip file and place in anywhere I like. I even keep copies of important documents in a secure part of the site in case I need to pull them up and print. These sites database are not accessible to the hosting site and if I want more security the data can be encrypted.
This is American ingenuity on steroids, like the invention of the airplane with thousands of people working on it at the same time.  As of today there are 19,114 developers that work on  Drupal.  Software is interesting to some people, like for others  playing  Bridge is , people play cards because they like it, there is no other reason. Developers develop because they like it .  Open source is a bunch of techie  that love building this stuff and they have gone well beyond the market.  No one wants to learn this !
I think  the story goes, that when Maxwell discovered electro-magnetism, someone asked, " what is good for ? ". He replied, " What is the use of a new born baby ?" . I am trying to sell a service where I build this technology for others, to teach them how to use it. But I can sell it, most people say "what is it good for"  and will not try it.  I think I will figure out how to market this, but for now you are right on spot. , "People will not risk switching"  I would add "until they are forced to ".   Coming to this site gave me the first real discourse I have had, most people just wont reply, people duck for cover when it comes to new  technology.
My marketing plan was to call people and offer them this new technology (bad idea).  First the secretary does not want to add to her work by learning something new. Then if they have an IT department, most have no clue what Drupal is, and when they find out what it is, the last thing they want is for the Boss to know. 
I have now simplified the marketing, to... " can little old me help you make a better website" ... gone are my hopes of telling people this will do accounting, and all future computing. Baby steps ? 
This is my new introduction email, does it sound like it may work ?
As you can see I am
I find that cloud it is not something only for corporations but an important solution for personal data.  We will see data as the compilation of a life, every event that a person is, is best represented in data.  It will be negligent for you not to have taught your child how to care for data.  Facebook is new to us, yet many use it and that data is not controlled by you much less private.  The best solution is to use most advanced technology available. Use the same database Google uses, MySQL, and the same equipment  Linux.  Select a reputable server that has  Cpanel ($5.00 month), this will automatically backup your data. In addition keep compressed copies of the data and files,  on your local hard drive of Flash (It all fits in only two folders).  Use Drupal to interface with your content you will find it to superior to any other system. For privacy,  Drupal is extremely secure so simply make all content "unpublished."  If you have very sensitive information use SSH encryption as well.   In the event a nuclear bomb hits your server, or the government shuts down the internet, you can then unzip your backups and run the whole system from your laptop in less than 30mm.  Cost is FREE its all open source.