lay out the partioculars of the project ... first I need a business plans So I come to you, first ! Authority rests on the user
Many times the humman error we commit is because of bad religion, think of the Aztec. I tould appear that we have a percentage of the population that believes America is predestined to rule the world through a Biblical religous event. I am a tailor, would like ask for your help on a project. I am starting a small business that secialises in the delivery of a stable open source operating system superior to closed archetecture we use today. The pardigem of open source is a user/developer relation. Sponsor and build the community site. You know best what you can do .. Although essentialy the product is basically free software, there are several avenues for income. only means of revenue are through education, services and p you must educate ferr I do not have the economic, political, sales, finacial, abilities to make such a complex project such as microsopayied I am starting a business that will attemp to empliment what can best be called open source economics.
developing a complex economic platform that is