Chapter 13 TIME LINE
A representative income history.
1968 worked as a Tailor with my father, and at various stores at Lenox Square.
1974 Started a busines at Phipps Plasa, providing alteration services for retail stores at Phipps, Lenox and Perimeter Malls.
1976 Last emplyment, was head tailor of Guffeys of Atlanta for three years.
1977 Buckhead, Purchased 3538 Roswell Road and converted it into a triplex ten years later sold it to a developer.
1979 Buckhead Purchase 2913 Peachtree Road ad built a Pub (Claudio's), four years later sold it to Felinies Pizza.
1980 Downtown - Purchased 4 buildings on Trinity Avenue converted them into residential/commercial. Sold them over a period of 18 years. The last of these two buildings represents my last tax return.
2000 Chile - Purchased a Commercial location in Chile and started up a cut, make, and trim shop making custom hand made suits, for a U.S. Client base.
2001 Chile - Purchased 80 hectars off the coast of the Higuera, Chile.
2006 Chile - Subdivided the 80 hectars into 161 lots
2007 Chile- Started study on server based data systems in order to track custom orders and possibly plot custom patterns.
2009-11 Chile / Villa Rica Ga - Closed the business in Chile and sold the commercial property, Purchase a home in Villa Rica.
2013 November Villa Rica, Purchased 155 Liberty Rd from Jerry Austin
2013 Villa Rica Created a server based administrative platform to operate an open business structure at the 155 Liberty Road.
2014 Villa Rica Had the 155 Liberty Road property, filled with participants, they all left at the same time in November?
2015 Filed bankruptcy with the understanding that Chapter 7, would permit me to pay my commitments to Jerry Austen and Lawson Realty.
2016 Febuary first sales of the subdivision Punta Choros
Sold the