August 18 2016 Emails to Austin & Lawson to negotiate settlement
To, Eddie Lawson, Jerry Austin,
Thu 12:40
Victor Harrison,
I called yesterday and was told you could not speak with me because I had an attorney representing me. Unfortunately, I am not represented by council, due in whole part to your actions in an all day hearing that converted this case back again to a Chapter 7 liquidation. Richard Valdejulli was representing me in the Chapter 13 action, but the Chapter 7 was filed pro se, therefore I am now representing myself.
Your aggressive stance that resulted in the RE-CONVERSION to Chapter 7, put a stop to the best solution to this problem. You now are certain that the property in Chile does exist, and can well pay my mortgage obligations for several years to come. The liquidation of this property by a Chapter 7 trustee at $500++ an hour will be costly and may not be possible at all.
Now that we have been sent back to where we started, Chapter 7, I suggest that we negotiate a better method out of this situation that might avoid more court hearings and legal costs.
Where is the benefit in selling this property that I value? I agreed to pay 600.00k, the Chapter 7 trustee sell it for far lower values.
This is complicated for me, but what I do know is that the trustee, my attorney, and every one else will be paid from the sale of these properties. It is unreasonable to continue to add the legal costs to this issue, if at the end we sell the properties for way below value, and it is all taken away in legal and other costs.
I came into bankruptcy to pay my obligations, not to discharge them! To have the opportunity to pay what I owe, what is wrong with that? It is clear that your intention is to invalidate our agreements and hinder my ability to pay these obligations, why?
On our hearing of March 9, 2016, we were ordered by the court to pay our mortgage payments by the sale of property and income. WHICH I DID IN FULL, AS REQUESTED.
Then we once again after my return from Chile, another hearing (7/7/2016), you push to take us back in time to Chapter 7. This cost us an entire day in court, PUT A STOP TO MY ABILITY TO SELL MY PROPERTIES in Chile, and eliminated the possibility of payments to Jerry Austin and Eddie Lawson .
I had plans to return to Chile to continue closing the pending sales we had, but was forced to remain and attend to this court case.
Now we are to have another hearing, to sell property which has no real value to anyone, but me. Sold by a farm equipment auction, what price will that get us? Jerry and Eddie will most likely not see any proceeds of those sales as they will be eaten away by legal costs. The first time I had any contact with the Chapter 7 trustee was during the meeting of creditors, 20 minutes and I was billed $12,000.00. Do we know how much we being charged now?
As I explained in our last hearing I will oppose any sales that are "give away's", or that will result only in prolonging this bad situation.
Unfortunately due to the death of his sister my attorney did not file the needed documentation, nor did he explain to you, or the court that this is my form of income and that we had sales pending to resolve this issue quickly.
Will I need once again to hire council, or we can come to terms and prevent this from getting worse for all involved.
There are two outcomes to this situation one good and one bad, let us see if we can come to a better solution for all involved.
If not, it is my contention that this court has not heard the true facts of this case, that eventually the truth will out, and that this court will find its way to the most equitable solution.
Claudio Avendano
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Fri, 08/19/2016 - 06:50
Calls the Chapter 7 trustee, and he calls me
Gordon, Neil C.
Cc, Bicknell, Pamela E.,
Thu 14:32
Message 14 of 15947 < >
Richard, we have not been able to communicate with your client. We call but get an answer that the voice box is full. This has been true since you gave us permission to talk directly to him. We are able to talk with him only when he initiates contact. We have not heard from him lately and have no way to contact him. Vic Harrison just sent me this email from debtor today. I am copying debtor at this email address in the hope that he receives and reads this.
We are unable to access the commercial property on Liberty Road. We do not have a key. We will be meeting there Tuesday at about 1:30 p.m. with a locksmith and realtor. We will either be (a) changing the locks or (b) rekeying the premises to keep the locks the same but have additional keys issued. The realtor and I both need keys. If we have the locks changed, we will provide a key to the commercial tenant. If the debtor is residing in the commercial property, he needs to be there at 1:30 p.m. so I can get him a new key. Having said that, he should also be looking for a new residential location. This is a commercial zoned property now owned by the bankruptcy estate. He should not be using it as a residence. Mr. Avendano can save the bankruptcy estate (and himself in a surplus situation) a great deal of money if he voluntarily provides keys to the property so we don’t have to engage the locksmith.
I also wanted Mr. Avendano to stay engaged with me so we could work together on the sale of the Chilean properties. Again, I cannot let the case drift while he avoids contact. These properties need to be sold, but by avoiding contact with me, I am unable to proceed in the manner he might have preferred.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Neil C. Gordon
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Fri, 08/19/2016 - 06:53
Not answering calls????
RE: Avendano
Weidenbaum, David S. (USTP),,
Thu 16:33
Message 1 of 3654 < >
I had sent an email to Niel Gordon that was not replied, to but did get a phone call. I respond promptly to all emails first thing in the morning.
My phone mailbox stays full, so that I do not have to deal with voice mail.
I respond to text sent to my phone and always will call back any number in the event I miss a call.
Please copy me on all relative information
Thank you.
Claudio Avendano 404 520 3333
On 2016-08-18 14:39, Weidenbaum, David S. (USTP) wrote:
Fri, 08/19/2016 - 07:07
Richard, Mr. Avendano indicated that he has been wanting you to
RE: Avendano
Gordon, Neil C.
'Weidenbaum, David S. (USTP)',
Cc, Bicknell, Pamela E.
Thu 16:17
Message 12 of 15947 < >
I just got off the phone with Mr. Avendano. We spoke for over an hour. I think we have it straight on how to reach each other going forward.
Richard, Mr. Avendano indicated that he has been wanting you to withdraw as counsel. You need to communicate with him about this and take whatever action you deem appropriate.
Neil C. Gordon
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
From: Weidenbaum, David S. (USTP) []
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 3:40 PM
To: Gordon, Neil C.; ''
Cc: ''; Bicknell, Pamela E.
Subject: RE: Avendano
Neil – please keep me updated as to this situation. Thanks.
David S. Weidenbaum
United States Department of Justice
Office of the United States Trustee
362 Richard B. Russell Federal Building and
United States Courthouse
75 Ted Turner Drive, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30303-3367
404.331.4437 x140
From: Gordon, Neil C. []
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 3:33 PM
To: ''
Cc: ''; Bicknell, Pamela E.; Weidenbaum, David S. (USTP)
Subject: Avendano
Importance: High
Richard, we have not been able to communicate with your client. We call but get an answer that the voice box is full. This has been true since you gave us permission to talk directly to him. We are able to talk with him only when he initiates contact. We have not heard from him lately and have no way to contact him. Vic Harrison just sent me this email from debtor today. I am copying debtor at this email address in the hope that he receives and reads this.
We are unable to access the commercial property on Liberty Road. We do not have a key. We will be meeting there Tuesday at about 1:30 p.m. with a locksmith and realtor. We will either be (a) changing the locks or (b) rekeying the premises to keep the locks the same but have additional keys issued. The realtor and I both need keys. If we have the locks changed, we will provide a key to the commercial tenant. If the debtor is residing in the commercial property, he needs to be there at 1:30 p.m. so I can get him a new key. Having said that, he should also be looking for a new residential location. This is a commercial zoned property now owned by the bankruptcy estate. He should not be using it as a residence. Mr. Avendano can save the bankruptcy estate (and himself in a surplus situation) a great deal of money if he voluntarily provides keys to the property so we don’t have to engage the locksmith.
I also wanted Mr. Avendano to stay engaged with me so we could work together on the sale of the Chilean properties. Again, I cannot let the case drift while he avoids contact. These properties need to be sold, but by avoiding contact with me, I am unable to proceed in the manner he might have preferred.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Neil C. Gordon
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP
Fri, 08/19/2016 - 14:41
Draft to Neil Gordon
Could you please site for me the statute or case, where, while the debtor is in possession, you have the authority to give unrestricted access to the property by a third party not approved by the court. In particular the creditors agent?
Your opinion on these facts or requests ...
1. The creditors attorney, has stated in court his intention of interfering with the lawful possession of my residence.
2. Tenants are still in possession and no notifications have been sent.
3. Phone records do not show any missed call from your number besides our call last Thursday.
4. Could you please detail for me when your attempts to call me were made?
5. How long have you had my email address, and what emails have you sent to me, that I may not know of?
6. I have received only three emails from you, and only those last Thursday.
Enjoyed our conversation, lets continue to review options for the sale of Chile. You have the authority to make these sales, and with the consent of Lawson and Austin maybe we could make this situation whole.
It appears that this rush to sell Liberty Road this comes from the email I sent to Lawson and Austin, last Thursday noon, then you call me and we speak, this only hours from that event. Looks like a lot of pressure came down on you.
My email to them was only in the spirit coming to a more effective solution to these troubles. Clearly, reasonable and more effective are not terms of interest.
There is a sense of hostility displayed by the creditors attorney that serves no point other that complicating an already complicated process.
Therefore you can understand why I would not wish to extend any rights further than those required by law.
As you know my Attorney has been having family issues and am now handling this pro se. As you suggested, I will file with the court the necessary paper work.
I humbly request you stop these actions scheduled for Tuesday, until proper council can be retained.
Claudio Avendano 404 520 333
Tue, 08/23/2016 - 09:58
Visit August 23 2016
Re: I humbly request you stop these actions scheduled for Tuesday, until proper council can be retained.
Your response is interesting and correct... "You don't know what you are talking about" , I don't know anything about law, that is why I am asking for what is on the subject of this email.
As to what "fully cooperative" means, again I don't know, and have asked you to give me the law that gives you the authority so I may read it, and comply.
Threatening me with an eviction, is unusual, and again something I don't fully comprehend, is not eviction ultimate goal you pursue? Although I once thought, (by mistake), Chapter 7 would permit me to pay my obligations and keep this property it appears to me now that Chapter 7 it is strictly about liquidating and evicting.
You say, "If you are not there and fully cooperative, we will not talk further." You began last Thursday by saying that you could not communicate with me, now you threaten to not communicate with me, that is ironic.
I will do all I can to cooperate, but you have failed to tell me what law or case gives you this right. I will therefore use common sense when you arrive.
As to the portion of the statement where you say "If you are not there' , I did write this in the previous email, which still stands true.
You will find I am quite the reverse, I respond promptly, answer my own phone, and will be glad to meet you tomorrow.
I am more than glad to meet with you!!!.
As we have established, I am in the dark about these proceedings. Any time I spend with you can only help shed some light.
See you today, at 1:30 call me when your at the gate I will open it for you.
Claudio. 404 520 3333
On 2016-08-22 12:58, Gordon, Neil C. wrote: