Villa Rica city on outside sales
2014-04-22 16:22
Message Body
When you came in to get your occupational tax certificate for the flea market, I indicated that the rules may change in the near future. Our City Attorney is taking a look at our current ordinance and will be revising it in the near future. In the meantime, you will need to comply with the current ordinance. That is, all of your vendors will need to come into city hall to obtain an individual permit to sell their goods. They will also need to comply with the rules regarding keeping track of sales. I have attached a copy of the current ordinance for your convenience.
I also mentioned when you were in my office that you would not be able to have outside sales. My Code Enforcement Officer tells me that there were people outside last weekend selling goods on tables that were rented for $10 each. This is not permissible.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this.
Janet L. Hyde, M.S.
GSWCC Certified Level IB and II
Director of Community Development
City of Villa Rica
571 West Bankhead Highway
Villa Rica, Georgia 30180
(678) 840-1213