10. Español en proceso de traducción

What is the point of a democracy if people are misinformed.

Treason, you overthrow a great nation, the same way you eat an elephant, one bite at a time.


Español  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PoTnYwIn1kwfkyb8dfHZMKl7ppstTAV5LcWfaLrq4AA/edit?usp=sharing

English    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v3JDYaA3rGq4U_K6E4--F0jckeU1bRkDNckJuGKCGMo/edit?usp=sharing






Suicide not possible

Treason is the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation. When an autocracy wishes to take over a government it starts with behind the scenes activity, suppression of the press, domination of the courts, attacks on intellectuals, and the removal of the opposition.

I don’t think of myself as an intellectual. I do consider myself as an honest person that will say something when I see a crime or injustice. Generally an autocracy comes about when one clan that takes absolute power.

I don't think a Dictator will take our government.  I think we have allways had a variety of clans that work with our government, behind the scenes along with our govenment.   


The difference and problem is all the free and open information that is now available. This pre-existing, behind the scenes, power structure is concerned they may lose its grip. Portions of this structure are uniting with the same structures in Russia to push for a more restrictive type of government, one that is not what than our constitution provides for


I think that my problems come from the fact that I was a first adopter of the internet, had married into one of these clans, became involved in political issues, and learned more than was good for me. And, I don’t like lies or injustice.

Clan behavior is an autocracy based on patronage, or favors to one another. Organized crime is an autocracy based on patronage, or favors to one another. If a criminal clan is large enough to take control of our nation, it would already be in place, it would already be conducting behind the scenes activity, suppressing the press, dominating the courts, attacking intellectuals, and removing of the opposition. Of course there are good clans, but only criminal activities need to be kept hidden.




“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke (12 January 1729 – 9 July 1797)

Clans have always been with us, and aways making a good living in government, local, or federal, conducting a variety of profitable activities that are legal, quasi-legal, and some criminal. The internet would be its greatest fear. The same democracy that once gave them an excellent way to conduct business would be far more transparent. People would take notice! The other justice … The term justice was described some 2500 years ago in Plato’s Republic. In the dialog Thrasymachus' states that justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger. Socrates tries to explain that justice should be a set of laws, that apply to all equally. This is why Socrates, is Socrates, he is teaching a radical and new concept of justice. Let us not forget they kill socrates!






Equal justice under law is a phrase engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. It is also a societal ideal that is central to the American legal system. What I am learning is that this is an ideal, not a reality. These are not meir ideals, they are the foundation of America.

We are a nation of laws, not a rabble of tyrants like Russia, or some third world nation. We are not a nation where only the strong have any advantage.

We are in a constant struggle with these two forms of justice. Reality can be that a big guy that can rape a young girl and no one does anything, or we are a nation of laws. America is that nation that stands for the opposite of tyranny.

We now have a president, that used a bankruptcy court several times, to avoid his obligations. Is there a clan that has adopted that other justice, that have no concern for others, only a single minded concern for power. One diagnostic criterion of narcissistic personality disorder is a lack of empathy and an unwillingness or inability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. This is precisely what is needed to be good at this other justice. The more deceitful, sociopatic and narcissistic you are the greater the advantage you have in society. This is exactly how Putin’s Russian Clan operates, if you tow the line you prosper if you don’t Putin will have the courts take it all away from you, if you persist they kill you. So, if I fight this conversion, should I now be afraid for my life? Things move fast on the way to total destruction. Trustee was re-appointed on July 18, 2016 After the Conversion back to Chapter 7 my attorney, tells me, “you will be now raped by Neil Gordon” and “do everything Neil tells you to do”. He then writes a letter to Neil Gordon and tells him I will be dealing directly with him. Valldejuli will now become very difficult to get on the phone. Real estate was my business and livelihood, I am now prevented from my work. My rental income is taken by the trustee. I speak with the trustee about getting these properties in Chile sold, but he will not act. On August 9, 2016, Neil Gordon (Chapter 7 trustee), filed MOTION FOR AUTHORITY TO SELL, two of my other properties in Villa Rica, Georgia by a farm equipment auction house in Moultrie, Georgia. One these properties was used by my son and I, as our bathroom. On August 17, 2016 I speak with the sellers attorney, Victor Harrison to see what accommodations can be reached to settle this case. Victor tells me that he can not negotiate with me since Richard Valldejuli is counsel of record in this case. On the morning of August 18 2016, I send an email to the creditor Jerry Austin. I state various reasons why it would be best to settle this case rather than to continue litigation. Jerry Austin calls me back that same day, he sounds willing, and tells me to contact his attorney to see what accommodations can be reached. This same day August 18, 2016 in the afternoon, Neil Gordon sends an urgent email to Richard Valldejuli, where he falsely claims he is unable to contact me. The email states that he, Neil Gordon will be coming on Tuesday, with Victor Harrison, and Victors Harrison's agent Mike Patterson to change the locks on the property at, 155 Liberty Road, where I am living with my son. In a phone conversation Pamela Brickland, Neil Gordon’s paralegal, claims they have the right to take over my business, and will proceed despite my objections. I had understood that the trustee needed to make a request from the court to take over my business. No such request was ever filed. I am still hopeful that we can sell the properties in Chile, and pay off the creditos, keep my business and my tenants. The trustee, Neil Gordon had portrayed himself as the best solution for the sales in Chile. He had told me that he would save the Liberty Road property. Still there is no reaction from Neil Gordon on the pending sales in Chile. Tuesday August 23,2016, over my objections, 4 persons arrive at 155 Liberty Road to change locks, Neil Gordon (Chapter 7 trustee), Pamela Bicknell (Assistant to Neil Gordon), Victor Harrison (Attorney for the Creditors), and Mike Patterson (Agent of Victor Harrison) are present. At this time I have the first opportunity to speak face to face with Victor Harrison. He again tells me he can not negotiate with me unless Valldejuli, the attorney of record withdraws. I explain to Victor Harrison that I will withdraw my attorney first thing in the morning. I am also told by Neil Gordon, and the realtor, that the property will be advertised and sold by a realtor. That it will not be sold at auction The following day August 24, 2016 I travel into Atlanta to sign documents for the withdrawal of counsel, Richard Valldejuli. Valdejulli reacts the documents as temporary for he is to come back as council. Later, he will refuse to return to the case. On August 26,2016 Neil Gorgon, Chapter 7 Trustee, proposes to sell the property at, 155 Liberty Road, Villa Rica, Douglas County, Georgia. The proposed sale is all cash sale price of $415,000.00 ,with $350,000.00 distributed to Jerry E. Lawson in partial payment of his mortgage note, with the balance of net sale proceeds held in reserve by the Estate. This potential sale comes out of thin air, the property had not been advertised, to a Douglas County resident Gregory M. Daniel, a potential agent of the Seller. It is unclear if the purchaser Gregory M. Daniel is related to Randy Daniel, the Douglas County coroner that offered to pay his opponent to abandon her political challenge. If there is a relation of the buyer to the political clan of Douglas county this may lead back to the Seller. The Trustee intends to keep $60,000.00 of the proposed sale? On August 31, 2016 I made several phone calls and sent several emails to both Jerry Austin (principal creditor) and Victor Harrison (attorney) to establish some form of negotiated settlement. Sellers attorney refused to negotiate any settlement of this case. I no longer have an attorney, Valdejulli will not return. I have been told that you can’t say anything bad about the trustee, judge or this court, because you will be sued. Yet, the mechanics of this court lend themselves to corruption. In the same way the Douglas county Judicial system could be compromised if you have its participants as friends, when the judicial process should as adversaries. There is a potential problem when my attorney is close friends with the judge, and the trustee. There are also several issues with this court that are well documented. http://metroecho.com/Bankruptcy-Articles In this particular case this is what could be. The seller approaches the trustee for assistance, the trustee is uncertain of the value of the properties in Chile. He talks to his friend Valdejulli and agree that I should go to Chile and sell properties to prove they are real and identify them. This might be why Valdejulli would take the case for no money and even be willing to pay for my ticket to Chile. It would also be reason why Valdejulli would tell me not to sell the remaining sales we had and fully pay the debt. That would have ended the case altogether. http://www.metroecho.com/memo October 11, 2016 I file a second request for this case to be converted to a Chapter 13 and be allowed to pay my debt. http://metroecho.com/2n-motion October 20 2016 Hearing and Auction http://metroecho.com/nuts October 24 2016 Order approving sale of 155 Liberty Road done prior to the hearing to reconvert!! http://metroecho.com/nuts property sold to Plunkett for $475,000.00 380,000.00 to Creditor Mr Austin THIS WOULD LEAVE $95,000.00 WITH THE TRUSTEE AND NOT PAYED TO THE CREDITORS THIS SALE WILL CREATE UNSECURED CREDITORS FOR THE FIRST TIME!! ONLY NOW PERMITTING THE TRUSTEE TO ACT ACCORDING TO THE STATUTE. The order of the events turns out to quickly take all I had away from me, this will leave my son and me homeless! If I were permitted to sell my properties, I can quickly pay my obligations. I have demonstrated that I can quickly sell my property. We have tenants that are paying their rents, and have established businesses. They will need to move, and lose all they have built. Why would a court, describing itself as “bankruptcy protection”, do such a thing? November 21, 2016 Hearing, motion to convert to Chapter 13 is denied. I take the risk, and I file a memorandum protesting actions taken by the court, describing political events that would have given cause to better investigate the new purchasers. This is read in court, and ignored. http://www.metroecho.com/memo Day after the memorandum was read in court, there is a confrontation with the “Retired Deputy”. He comes to Timmons Circle property and meets with me. He is visibly upset, and in a harsh tone tells me three times “GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE COUNTRY!”. I don’t wish to whine about some harsh words but, this is the same person that was familiar with the people that participated in my business, and trailed me in my past political activities. Someone that made it clear to me that he was a tough guy. “ I am a killer”, “I infiltrated the mafia in Vegas”, and told me my life may be in danger. I now start to think he is working with the reditor Jerry Austin. Has an x- Los Angeles California undercover agent been working all this time with my creditors to, ruin my business, create the foreclosure and then run me out of town? Is the federal court part of this political machine? The “Retired Deputy” will soon tell me that I should take care, that my son my be taken by DFACS (Division of Family and Children's Services). Later the “Retired Deputy” and his wife invite my son and me to lunch, she will begin to cry as they warn me that “they may take your son away”. I don’t know if this is a huge criminal organization, the “retired deputy” may have been more correct than I imagined when he said “be afraid they may kill you”. I will take these suggestions seriously, I begin to plan to leave the area before more harm may come. November 23 2016 Motion to convert to chapter 13 denied http://metroecho.com/node/510 November 24 2016 Wrongful eviction, gates are locked to the property. I call the police they speak with the new owners and a proper dispossessory is filed, yet again they re-enter the property this time post guards. My business and personal belongings they say they will keep. http://metroecho.com/sites/default/files/page-files/November242016.pdf December 2 2016 Nancy is asking me to call DFCS There are two other people that are similar to the “Retired Deputy”. These have also developed sudo friendships with us. One of these Nancy, she was also part of the participants of the failed Liberty Road business, and she is also connected back to the creditors. She is suggesting to me that I call DFCS. That would be a mistake! http://free226.com/nancy-dfcs December 4 2016 My sister, Carmen, takes my son, Tomas, to North Carolina for safety. December 5,2016 Philip Johns gets permission from the new buyers for me to move my belongings from the property. Two days not quite enough time to move the content of a 7200 sq/ft building. My store inventory, and many of my things had disappeared from the building. Not having enough time or resources to move everything, much of our belongings were left behind. January 2017 My son and I leave for a trip to the North East, with intention of moving to the New York area, we settle for and move there telling no one We took what little money we had left, moving out of Georgia in the middle of the night. It is very difficult to be a single parent, and more difficult to get an apartment without any job history, a bankruptcy on your record, no income, and then try to hide-out? Lease date Feb 1 2017 node/355 These individuals that make up this court are experts, with years of experience. They must all have known the outcome of what they were doing. Instead of “bankruptcy protection” something quite the opposite would happen.


 Español en proceso de traducción


Suicidio no es posible.


La traición es un crimen que cubre algunos de los actos más extremos contra la nación. Cuando una autocracia desea hacerse cargo de un gobierno que se inicia con actividades detrás de las escenas, la supresión de la prensa, la dominación de los tribunales, ataques contra los intelectuales, y la eliminación de la oposición.

No me considero un intelectual. Me considero como una persona honesta que dice algo cuando veo un crimen, o una injusticia. En general, una autocracia se produce cuando un clan toma poder absoluto.

No creo que un Dictator que se va a tomar el gobierno. Creo que siempre hemos tenido una variedad de clanes, que han operado detrás de escena junto con nuestro gobierno.

Lo que está sucediendo es que debido a toda la información libre y abierta que está hoy disponible, esta estructura de poder preexistente, detrás de escena, está preocupada de que puedan perder su control. Algunas partes de esta estructura se están uniendo con las mismas estructuras en Rusia, para presionar por un tipo de gobierno más restrictivo de lo que establece nuestra constitución.

Creo que mis problemas derivan del hecho de que fui un primer usuario de el internet, me casé con una de estas clanes, me involucré en asuntos políticos, y aprendí más de lo que era bueno para mí. Y, me molestan las mentiras y injusticias.

El comportamiento de un clan es una autocracia basada en el clientelismo, o favores de uno al otro. El crimen organizado es una autocracia. Si un clan criminal es lo suficientemente grande como para tomar el control de una nación, ya estaría en posición, ya estaría llevando a cabo actividades detras de las escenas, la supresión de la prensa, dominando los tribunales, atacando a los intelectuales, y la eliminación de la oposición. Por supuesto, hay buenos clanes, pero solo las actividades delictivas deben mantenerse ocultas.

“Lo único necesario para el triunfo del mal, es que los buenos no hagan nada.” Edmund Burke (12 January 1729 – 9 July 1797)

Clanes han estado presente desde siempre, y siempre se han hecho una buena vida con el gobierno, local o federal, realizando una variedad de actividades rentables que son legales, cuasi-legal, y aun criminal. El Internet sería el mayor temor para estos grupos. La misma democracia que una vez les dio una excelente manera de hacer negocios, haria sus actividades mucho más transparente. La gente tomaría nota! Yo tome nota! La otra justicia ... El término justicia se describió hace unos 2500 años anterior en la República de Platón. En el diálogo Trasímaco(Thrasymachus) afirma que la justicia no es nada más que la ventaja del más fuerte. Sócrates trata de explicar que la justicia debe ser un conjunto de leyes, aplicadas igualmente todos. Esta es por que Sócrates, es Sócrates, el está enseñando un concepto radical y nuevo - la justicia que conocemos hoy en dia. No olvidemos que matan a Sócrates!

Igualdad ante la ley es una frase grabada en el frente del edificio del Tribunal Supremo de Estados Unidos en Washington DC. También es un ideal de nuestra sociedad que es fundamental para el sistema legal estadounidense. Lo que estoy aprendiendo es que esto es un ideal cual tratamos por obtener, no es en todo caso una realidad. Estos ideales son los fundamentos de América.

Somos una nación de leyes, no una turba de tiranos como Rusia, o alguna nación del tercer mundo. No somos una nación en la que sólo los fuertes tienen ventaja.

Estamos en una lucha constante con estas dos formas de justicia. La realidad puede ser que un matón pueda violar a una niña y nadie hace nada, o somos una nación de leyes. Estados Unidos es la nación que representa lo contrario de la tiranía.


Ahora tenemos un presidente que utilizó un corte de insolvencia varias veces, para evitar sus obligaciones. ¿Hay un clan que ha adoptado esa otra justicia, que no tienen ningún interés por los demás, sólo una única preocupación por el poder. Uno de los criterios de diagnóstico de trastorno de personalidad narcisista es una falta de empatía y una falta de voluntad o incapacidad de reconocer o identificarse con los sentimientos y necesidades de los demás. Esto es precisamente lo que se necesita para ser bueno en esta otra justicia. El más engañoso, sociopatic y narcisista que son - mayor es la ventaja que tiene en la sociedad. Esto es exactamente cómo opera clan Ruso de Putin, aceptas la tiranía, si los tribunales de Putin te quitan todo, si persistes de que te maten. Por lo tanto, si lucho contra esta insolvencia, debería yo tener miedo por mi vida? Las cosas se mueven rápido en el camino a la destrucción total. El fiduciario(trustee) volvió a ser nombrado el 18 de julio, el año 2016. Después de la conversión al capítulo 7 mi abogado me dice, “ahora te va violar Neil Gordon” y “hacer todo lo que Neil le indica que debes hacer”. A continuación, el escribe una carta a Neil Gordon y le dice que yo tendrá que tratar directamente con Neil. Valldejuli ahora será muy difícil de obtener por teléfono. Bienes raíces fue mi negocio y mi unico medio de vida, ahora estoy impedido de mi trabajo. Mi ingreso de alquiler es tomado por el fiduciario. Hablo con Neil para conseguir que estas propiedades se venden en Chile, pero el no quiere actuar. El 9 de agosto de 2016, Neil Gordon (Capítulo 7 Trustee), presentó PROPUESTA de autoridad para vender, dos de mis otras propiedades en Villa Rica, Georgia por un equipo de la granja casa de subastas en Moultrie, Georgia. Una estas propiedades yo estaba utilizando con mi hijo, como nuestro cuarto de baño. El 17 de Agosto, el año 2016 que hablo con el abogado de los que me vendieron la propiedad, Victor Harrison para ver cuál solución se puede llegar para resolver este caso. Víctor me dice que no puede negociar conmigo si mi abogado Richard Valldejuli sigue en el caso. En la mañana del 18 de Agosto de 2016, yo envío un correo electrónico al acreedor Jerry Austin. Declaro varias razones por cual sería la mejor resolver este caso en lugar de seguir un litigio. Jerry Austin me llama ese mismo día, me dice que esta dispuesto buscar una solucion, y me dice que en contacte su abogado para ver lo que se puede hacer. Este mismo día, 18 de agosto de, 2016, por la tarde, Neil Gordon envía un correo electrónico urgente a Richard Valldejuli, donde se afirma falsamente que él no es capaz de ponerse en contacto conmigo. El correo electrónico que, Neil Gordon me envia dice que van a venir el Martes, con Victor Harrison, y el agente de Victor Harrison, Mike Patterson, para cambiar las cerraduras de la propiedad en 155 Liberty Road, donde yo estoy viviendo con mi hijo. En una conversación telefónica Pamela Brickland, asistente legal de Neil Gordon, ella afirma que tienen el derecho a hacerse cargo de mi negocio, y procederán a pesar de mis objeciones. La ley requiere que el fiduciario (Trustee) tiene que hacer una solicitud a el tribunal para hacerse cargo de mi negocio. Tal petición unca se presentó. Aún tengo esperanzas de que podemos vender las propiedades en Chile, mantener mi negocio y mis inquilinos. Varias veces delante de la corte, el fiduciario, (trustee) Neil Gordon había retratado a sí mismo, como la mejor solución para las ventas en Chile. Me había dicho que iba a salvar a la propiedad de Liberty Road. Aún no hay ninguna reacción por parte de Neil Gordon en completar las ventas pendientes en Chile. Martes Agosto 23,2016, sobre mis objeciones, 4 personas llegan a 155 Liberty Road a cambiar las cerraduras, Neil Gordon (Capítulo 7 fiduciario), Pamela Bicknell (Asistente Neil Gordon), Victor Harrison (abogado de los acreedores), y Mike Patterson (Agente de Victor Harrison) están presentes. En este momento tengo la primera oportunidad de hablar cara a cara con Victor Harrison. De nuevo me dice que no puede negociar con mí a menos Valldejuli, mi abogado y el abogado de registro se retira. Le explico a Victor Harrison que voy a retirar mi abogado a primera hora de la mañana. También me dice Neil Gordon, y la inmobiliaria Mike Patterson, que la propiedad sera publicada y se vende por un agente de bienes raíces de forma normal. Que no se venderá en una subasta. NO VA SER ASI El día después, 24 de Agosto, 2016, yo viajo a Atlanta para firmar documentos para la retirada de mi abogado, Richard Valldejuli. Valdejulli reacciona los documentos como temporal, porque él me dice que va volver a la causa. Más adelante, se negará a volver al caso, y yo estare sin representación en esta corte, en un tema legal muy complicado. El 26,de Agosto del 2016 Neil Gordon, (Capítulo 7 Fiduciario), propone vender la propiedad en 155 Liberty Road, Villa Rica, en el condado de Douglas, Georgia. La propuesta de venta es en efectivo de $ 415.000,00, con $ 350,000.00 distribuido a Jerry Auston y Eddie Lawson como pago parcial de su nota de hipoteca, con el resto de el ingreso con destino a cargo de el Trustee Neil Gordon como reserva. Esta venta aparece de la nada, la propiedad no había sido anunciada a la venta. Propuesto a un residente del condado de Douglas, Gregory M. Daniel, un posible agente del vendedor No está claro si el comprador Gregory M. Daniel está relacionado con Randy Daniel, el forense del condado de Douglas que se ofreció a pagar a su oponente par abandonar su desafío político. Si existe una relación entre el comprador a este clan político de el condado de Douglas esto puede ser para devolver la propiedad vendedor original. El trustee Neil Gordon tiene la intención de mantener a $60,000.00 de la propuesta de esta venta ? El 31 de Agosto, 2016 hice varias llamadas telefónicas y envió varios correos electrónicos a Jerry Austin (principal acreedor) y Victor Harrison (abogado) para establecer algún tipo de acuerdo negociado. Victor Harrison dice que no tiene interés de negociar una solución de este caso. Ya no tengo un abogado, Valdejulli no vuelve como abogado en esta causa.