David Weidenbaum - Phone conversation 2/15/2018


Why can't we simply fix this instead of continuing the drama, and causing more damage?   
RE: phone call today
Every time I call I get a sick feeling, Like Pavlov's dog, I am now conditioned to always expect bad news.
It is remarkable to be in this situation, or that it is even a possibility that a court could do such a thing.
We all know I was paying everyone just fine while in the Chapter 13, you and Neil pushed for a Chapter 7, then all went to hell. We all also know, that there was, and is more than enough money to have kept my business, and all the agreements in place. Instead the trustee took the exact course that would cause the most harm.    
At a minimum I would have expected you to put a hold on Neil Gordon’s activities, so that he would not continue to drain the estate.
You tell me Neil wrote you a long letter,- how much did that cost the estate, why?
I know nothing about this law, but I do know when a recommendation of trustee, a farm equipment auctioneer sells real estate at far below market, and then collects a commission that is above market for real estate commissions. There is clearly a problem with the intentions of Neil Gordon in this case, and there should be a mechanism in place to correct this.
October 10 2018 Sale of  2981 Andy Mountain Road proceeds  $13,252.00
I had paid $35,000.00 for this property, and spent at least that much in repairs. It had been in a fire, we rebuilt the house and put a roof on it.  
It has been a year and half since the trustee had authority to sell this property, he could have placed it for sale with a realtor, advertised it, and paid a 10 % commission and gotten a far more realistic price.
Would it not be clear to anyone that the trustee will also give away the property in Chile!
I also believe that this is not incompetence on the part of the trustee,  this is willful activity. Is he punishing me for not signing over the properties in Chile? He paid the farm equipment auctioneer $2,700.00. What are the Trustee’s administrative fees on just this sale, they must be well over the amount of the proceeds of the auction.
No, I do not call on you for legal advice, I call you that you might correct the activities of Neil Gordon. Give us an amount due, and permit the orderly sale of property in Chile that we have had pending for over a year and a half.
There have been three attorneys that have attempted to correct this situation, all have, been either set away, or given up.  
Claudio 404 520 3333