March 10 2016 Pay the insurance ... the only problem
Your case okay fine yesterday. The biggest deal was the insurance on the building. Were you able to get? How can I help in getting you a policy in place by Monday, March 14th? Coverage has to be $500,000.00 with bot Austin and Lawson, LLC as loss payees.The Judge is keeping you in Chapter 13 and will reschedule the confirmation of your Chapter 13 until May 11, 2016 but ONLY if you meet the following requirement.Your mortgage payments to Austin for February, is $3,207.19 ($3,054.44 plus 5% late fee) and March $3,207.19 x 2 ($3,054.44 plus 5% late fee), plus late fee if not paid today) and Lawson Realty for February and March of $453.27 x 2 = $906.54) have to be current by March 31st (the end of month).
Total amount needed $7,320.92: Austin $6,414.38 and Lawson $906.54
If you are not current by the 31st, then Judge will convert your case back to 7.
Let me know how you are doing down there and how to raise this money by the 31st of March?
Richard K. Valldejuli, Jr.