50 foot easement
Text to (770) 883-0476 and Certified Mail
CC: Philip Johns Attorney
8917 Timmons Circle
Villa Rica, Georgia, 30180
I am sorry to write you this note, but you, and your brothers actions concerning our right away force me to document my position.
As you know 8931 Timmons Circle property has a recorded 50 foot easement, which needs to be cleared, and should not be interfered with.
To my understanding you and I have always had good relations, and I do not understand why you have recently begun to harass people that I send to my property over our right away.
I recently lost a tenant due to this harassment, and have people waiting to work on the property that can not access, causing delays and further cost.
The legal term for what you are doing is called Tortious interference.
", also known as intentionali nterference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts, occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else's contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm."
Please stop these negative interactions with agents, or other persons directed by me, that may wish to have access to the property.
There are of course damages associated with your activity that you are liable for, any further tortuous activity on your part, will reqire legal action.
I would like to maintain good relations with you, and am always at your service if you need anything as a neighbor.
Please cease and desist your interference with regard to this right away.
Claudio Avendano