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Lets start this with a brief description of our psychical universe and existence as we understand it today. This would be what you are made of... atoms, and the dimensions of quantum mechanics which is so new age today.
We know that we are made of skin and bones and that the skin and bones are made with DNA and that DNA is made of molecules and molecules are made of atoms. Most of us accept and understand this much.
What are atoms made of? It turns out that the answer is very, very strange.
You see an atom is made of a nucleus.. that generally general holds protons and neutrons and then electrons spin far to the outside of this nucleus. and they spin far out side... the space inside is 99% of an atom. This makes the atom almost all empty space, and that makes us almost all empty space... or so we once thought.
Molecules are two or more atoms joined together.
Molecules are joined together by electrons. If we break apart molecules the electrons give off energy. This is the energy we use when we burn jet fuel, burn wood in a fireplace, burn calories in our body or blast dynamite. Atomic energy we know is much more powerful and that comes from the nucleus and breaking it apart. But........
Recently we discover that this empty space inside the Atom is not empty at all. That this empty space is made of particles they would now call quarks. They are very strange and would require some 11 dimensions to understand. That these particles could stretch from the beginning and end of the universe. That the energy in the empty space of one atom was more than all the visible stars and galaxy's in the universe.
That is a lot of energy that is inside us... but that is not what is so strange... the fact that they suppose that these particles are entangled to the entire universe... in both directions of time that is what makes this strange ... from the beginning and end of the universe. ...Alpha and Omega... hummm...
This is what is strange.
Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who
is to come, the Almighty."
We cant see the phenomena that quantum mechanics is describing and worse when we try to see these particles we change the nature and position of them. Yet we are told that there are experiments that prove the math and physics that they are what they are. Strangely, all this is so far from our personal understanding that we are once again left with priests, this time mathematicians to tell us what is going on. In fact we are once again left with St. Augustine’s soul or Christ as a teacher argument. For it turns out that our very minds will never see the logic as it should be. In the final analysis we are left with our intuition and our soul.
Experiments and observations today tell us that we are the universe. That we are actually a very precisely determined part of the universe. So determined and part of the universe are we that our every thought and action is tied down in both the past and future dynamics of the entire universe.
We are the children of God. We are not some random mutation of evolution. We were created.
The concept of a deterministic universe is confusing to say the least, yet, it appears to be true to physics. It appears that because the nature of things ties us directly to the matrix of this universe, our past and future are as pre determined as a cannon shot. For in this view of our universe we truly need Gods' favor to change the slightest thing. For it appears that to change the simplest of events both the entirety of the past and the future must change. Very strange physics, so strange that many of the people that give us these early concepts took their lives because of the stress the disconformities with reality it caused them.
Of course the disconformities would be stressful. We believe that we are in control of our lives .. we believe that it is true that we decide to take the shower, or fall in love, or smile. Then what if you are the greatest mind in town and you discover that, no, all that you once believed is false. That somehow you don't tie your shoes, and you never had a choice... you discover that your existence is not voluntary. Its all pre-determined. That's strange enough to make anyone go mad.
A deterministic world ?... the Greeks certainly believed in fate...
Wait, that is exactly how we viewed life before our secular world came to be as it is today... we believed God governed our lives.
We need a change in the perspective from which we view our lives. This is the way to live and understand this world. Given that we live in a deterministic world, we should clearly humble ourselves. We should take a simpler view of our lives more like the passengers view rather than the conductor. Our lives are like passage on a train with a wonderful view of the scenery as it goes by. To reach our destination we follow the rules of the train so that we may have a safe journey. God is not the co-pilot he's the pilot.
Not only as individuals but as a culture we follow a particular and defined direction, like and arrow through time. If we could strengthen our belief in God we would all have a better society. We would have a loving eternity with God.
About 1000 years ago St Anselm made an attempt to give us a proof of the existence of God. It is referred to as the ontological argument, and it goes like this "that than which nothing greater can be conceived" , that God must be that thing that is the greatest thing we can imagine. So he says that .. that just to imagine it would not be the greatest thing... the greatest thing is that God does exist. Here you need some Peter Pan.. you must believe that it does exist you must have faith. Now this in the secular world of today is difficult. Yet if we did believe in this great ideal we may begin to start to behave as the ideal that our God asked of us.
So where is God ... its in the matrix of the universe, the very matrix that determines our existence. The alpha and omega as it is called. The very nature of the determinism that physics speaks of today. If we believe, if we have faith in this ideal, in this good, then God is there for us. If our beliefs are in the carnal in the material in the material then God does not exist for us.
Our Christianity will tell us that here on earth is Satan, and we are tempted by him away from God. We are pushed into the material into what is carnal by the conditioning of our consumer advertizing. We have certainly strayed far away from God, and mainly because we have been kept from him by the rulers by those that propagate the Roman religion of Babylon and Egypt. Ok, here it gets a bit crazy but bare with me. If you think that the Egyptian and Babylonian religion just disappeared because the pagan roman emperor Constantine created the Catholic Church in the year 324 you do not know your history well. Looked a dollar bill lately, would you say money is material?
We are all in Plato's cave, so accustom to seeing the shadows that we refuse to even hear other points of view that may hold the truth. We either don't know or we ignore many of the very things that would make our lives more fulfilling.
eternal life
Faith in God is all we have in this abyss of logic, and this deterministic physical universe. Through our humility to God, through our love there lies the hope. Otherwise we are only trapped in our pride within carnal and fail to see the path Jesus Christ teaches.
Sometimes we should notice that time and events are more measured by the growth of hair and nails, for they represent our true self that which behaves outside of our conscious self. Which if we accept this deterministic view, everything occurs without our conscious having any effect on it, its just an illusion although a very good one.
The preconceived notions that what we do with our time has some significance that is important to us personally are mistaken. When we scratch the surface of this illusion. when we take away our sexual motivation, our pride, our vanity, our greed and all the carnal all that is left is an empirical belief in either good or evil. A perception.
In a deterministic world it would appear there is no free will... our free will is in our perception.
There is a saying that goes ''there is no god nor bad only thinking makes its so'' how true. We and our thinking make the good or bad that we live amongst.
We propose these concepts of good and evil. It is our understanding, and our values that permit us our opinion of these concepts. Our actions come from this, or at least this is how we perceive our reality. The same reality changes when seen through humbled eyes. When we look at the events of our lives from a more humble perspective we feel less frustration. All our frustration is just a false perception of our reality and the living with others that also falsely perceive.
The current physical view of our universe is that all is predetermined that we are not responsible for what we do. That all reality is pre imposed on us and we merely have the ability to understand and think what we do, but no action is voluntary. This belief is un acceptable to the very physicists that have given us this view. To apply this view and at the same time live comfortably with our notion of Will we would have to accept that our Will does not only change our events, but both future and past events within the whole of the universe. The concept would require that each action we take changes the entire universe, not only the present but the past and future as well. But this is a psychical impossibility and would require more faith to believe than a belief in God.
So here we stand on a balance. Where understanding on one side, there is the possibility that we are as we see ourselves in the secular view alone without God. Hopelessly insignificant in an ever larger infinity. We alone make out day to day lives trudging through the activities of the day, alone looking for human love and understanding. As time passes, we, our personal existence becomes less and less significant. For as large as we can visualize infinity our temporal lives become equally infinitely small by comparison. In this view then the one with the most toys before dying is actually the most successful.
On the other side of this balance is that view of understanding that quantum mechanics and Jesus Christ would describe. That we are a determined part of this universe that any real action would change the entire fabric of the universe. Then you could take a leap of faith that our minds can sense a soul and that soul is what in the Trinity is called the holy sprit... and there you may say that the aesthetic beauty of the universe is not in the carnal, not in our material world but in our beliefs of truth, good, kindness, benevolence and love.... and what is Jesus Christ truth and love. What is the material world to Jesus Christ ...meaningless.
In this view each of us and our activities change not only the future but the past as well but only with Gods help, for how else could this happen. I don't think anyone is so radical and proud to believe that they would have the real ability to change the entire universe... past present and future... a concept that is even greater than that which we have understood to be Gods powers. What does Jesus Christ say the we can do as he and even more. But through him.
Regardless of how we come to Jesus Christ, or how we accept Jesus Christ. What is important is the community that comes from this the church. In the face of the horrors that dogma has wrought on peoples, we need to be accepting of the variety of approaches to Jesus Christ. We need to be as Christ and love those that are not perfect, and those that oppose us. We need to build our church on truth as well as love.
The complexity of logic
Einstein said ''God my be subtle but he's not malicious''... however complicated the universe may be there will always be rules that we could deduce God would not put us into a creation we could not understand... we can know outside of logic because they can be intuited.
The study of physics and mathematics postulated that we will never be able to understand the universe. That in the complex study of large numbers, rather the infinite it was proven that logic is impossible. Due to this breakdown in the logic of mathematics we will never be able to understand the universe we live in. Both Albert Einstein and Kurt Gödel understood this, yet they also had a deep personal belief in intuition. Intuition is basically similar to faith in God. For intuition is the thing that comes out of nowhere and that is where God is, that thing you can not understand or see... yet creates wonders.
To make maters worse for those of us that would like to reason some value to our existence. Neurologist say that the size of our brain is just right. Over time our brains will not get smarter if we continue to evolve larger brains. Maybe that's why small people are sometimes the most brilliant.