Bankruptcy Time Line


September 2016

Email Request to sell properties  September 30, 2016  Neil Gordon not responding 

Email Request to sell properties  September 15, 2016  Neil Gordon not responding 

Email Request to sell properties  September 15, 2016  Neil Gordon not responding 

Emails request to sell properties September 14 2016  Neil Gordon 

The court decides to proceed with the Liberty Road Sale first then hear the conversion motion making the Conversion to 13 motion moot.

These actions by the chapter 7 trustee also created for the first time unsecured creditors and now a legal reason for the Chapter 7 case to proceed.

These activities by the Chapter trustee harm the estate and position the trustee to collect additional un necessary legal fees.  

October 2016

Case 15-64523-pwb Doc 120 Filed 10/11/16 Entered 10/12/16 14:27:17 Desc Main Document Page 3 of 7

Items  10 to 16

State that there are plots ready for sale and show that this is an income source ready and willing to pay debt


November 2016

Case 15-64523-pwb Doc 136 Filed 11/21/16 Entered 11/21/16 10:28:24 Desc Main Document Page 6 of 9   

Items 44 to 51

Describe an attempt to pay obligation via sale of properties in Chile

Items 52 to 56 

Describe the effect of the Chapter 7 Trustee to destroy my ability to generate income, and create conditions  that will make it impossible for me to deal with the complex nature of this case.


November/December 2016 Wrongful eviction, personal threats, and move out of Georgia    

The new purchasers, who could be are associates of the seller/creditor enter the premises without notice, and without filing a dispossessory, change locks,  and prevent my moving my from the property. I re-enter the property and find  inventory and security cameras have disappeared. The police come and explain to the new buyers that they must file a dispossessory and the process they have chosen is wrongful.  See letter given to police.

The new purchasers file a dispossessory.

I am now told by several sources that they may pull strings to have my child taken by local child services. I promptly travel to North Carolina to leave my child in the care of a relative.

Once again, while I am out moving furniture, the new purchasers return to the Liberty Road property, change locks, and prevent my moving my from the property.

For fear of violence I have an attorney friend make a request to move.  

Request to move and permission 



I am told by my local attorney and friend not to tell him where I have move to, That he may not be obligated to tell "them" where I have gone.  He is familiar with the locla environment and how they will continue to try and harm my interests.  


May 7 and 10 2017   Two additional Request to Chapter 7 

Latest request to pay via sale of Chile .