
I thought that it would be best that we learn on this site since this is the one that would represent a real work opportunity for you.

So, I signed in with your name and created this form topic. Here we can discuss how to use this site.

I am going to also add a who's online and a messenger so that you can see when we are online.

Amy's picture

Would that be for more public avenue, multiple people to participate and comment?

I think his needs a facebook type page where you can put your friends, pics, it emails when posted, and is privare for your use. It will take me a couple of days it will be part of your user account page For now we can use comments this Fourm to keep a conversation going about this site.

Amy's picture

Look forward to seeing Tom's page!

This is what I will be installing on the Carrollton site so that people can have a private page with your friends on it and can comment to each other. Yet if you have a private site all to yourself, then all your content is on your own database. You have a place that connects to Facebook, other websites and applications. All your documents, friends etc. are in one place and it belongs to you.
The big question is if people will pay $675.00 for something like this. For business use its a good price, it not only give you a website but a tool that can do much much more.

Amy's picture

I believe it is an excellent tool that could be utilized by individuals, companies, teenagers.....great marketing and advertising tool, not to mention all data in one place.