There is little serious thought devoted to this concept. Mostly things
derived from Marxian concepts that were more intended for national economic
For the purpose of this site there is little to do but give past examples of communities, "intentional communities" as well as some summation of the possible flaws of the past and concepts yet un-tested. Today as in the past most communities that live as cooperatives are either religious or have a strong charismatic spiritual leader. I find few who's primary concern is devoted the practical economic and social demands of society. Developers are producing a variety of forms of co-housing concepts that have become more and more mainstream. It is my belief as these concepts become more normalized, systems and organizations will develop that will have greater economic wholeness.. with schools, child care, elderly care, and health care. Well organized business structure which grows on reputation for whole providing living environments
http://www.whdc.com/what_is_cohousing.shtml http://www.cohousing.org/default.aspx The History of the Brotherhood of the Spirit/Renaissance Community: 1968-1988 cooperatives
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