This subject is somewhat difficult to understand...Yet
just getting a mental grasp on relativity and understanding E=MC2, is an incredible sensation and well worth the effort.
It is good to grasp as best as one can an overall view of who, what and where we are. In comparison to the grand scheme of things, we may appear insignificant yet within ourselves there is a certain infinity of significance that the universe can not have. Past, present, and future can have meanings surprisingly counter intuitive to our normal perspectives. Strange concepts to grasp for our minds so accustomed to a different perception of reality. "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that we can comprehend it. " Albert Einstein or John Wheeler? Lecture 1 | Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics (Stanford) http://www.closertotruth.com videos
Metaphysics of time block universe Paul Davies Interview "the universe has engineered its own self awareness" "The Cyclic Universe":A Talk with Neil Turok Motor principle in electromagnetism (video)
Gravitational Waves video (video) digital ethnography (video) expanding earth (vedio) dirivatives