1. Political 2008 - 2016 -R

1. Georgia, Russians, Politics and Social media   
Part 1 
 Youtube video  Russians, Bankruptcy, and Justice (2021) weseenot
You must think only radical, or mentally unstable people believe in conspiracies.
In fact, a conspiracy is a very common human behavior.
Consider, two lovers making plans to marry against the wishes of their parents, or that the United States, and Christianity were created by a conspiracy. To privately make plans to do something is a natural aspect of society,and one person's conspiracy is another person's plan for a better outcome. 
Conspiracy theory is defined as a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. The entire structure of history has been built from a variety of conspiracies working against each other. A conspiracy is simply the best way to achieve goals in society. Influential groups with bad intentions are part and parcel for most all institutions, with deception being the primary tool used to realize the bad deeds of those intentions.
People who think others care about justice are surprised, and disappointed, when others defraud them. On the other side of the coin are the people that are in the business of disappointing, and work hard to do so. Many times they see each other as sheep and wolves. 
Because the nature of a conspiracy is secrecy, we lack the ability to understand how pervasive conspiracies in society can be. In particular, in an economy based on competition, all we have ever known is to work hard at profiting from our neighbors, and a conspiracy is our best tool for doing this. 
Government is a conspiracy that improves only when we notice, and under a public outcry. 
The “Deep State” is an imaginary or real body of influential members of government agencies, local, or federal, involved in the secret manipulation of policy.
If you were the Deep State, and you were up to no good, the best misdirection would be to be the first one pointing to a deep state attacking you.
The best defense to opposition, is to become the opposition. 
The most common reason to keep secrets is to get away with a crime. Since governments have a lot of money, the best tool for corrupt organizations to take that money, legally, is secrecy.
Prior to these events, I had the immature concept that the government was about,  "we the people",  similar to neighbors looking after our best interests. 
"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.” Joseph Pulitzer known for posthumously establishing the Pulitzer Prizes 
This is a true story that stretches from the 2008 Ron Paul campaign, to the 2016 election of Donald Trump. The story will infer a backstory of how Russian corruption joined hands with domestic corrupt elements to collaborate,  and executed a ten year plan to disrupt elections in the United states. Then put in place an entire political party favorable to Russian interests.
Along the way this story will point to how political, and judicial institutions could be corrupted from top to bottom, by organizations that hide in the shadows.
In 2008 I bought a house in the City of Villa Rica, Georgia, and settled in with my nine year old son.  
Social Media Tools 
I was concerned with the direction America was moving toward. The internet was propagating, and people were learning to use it. I felt this new freedom of information was dangerous, and I considered it would disrupt society.
This explosion of available data, and the open software to exchange information would cause a significant shift in the status quo.   
I built a social media website, Metroecho.com, because I considered the ability to use these new data tools would be central to how we do business, and govern. Metroecho.com was designed as local  directories, to teach local communities how to use these new tools.  
I have considered many possibilities for the circumstances I will outline in this essay, one is the fact that I was attempting to compete in the social media arena. I had built a transparent user administered social media platform. This would have radically altered the ability of social media to be influenced by unknown actors.  
The partnership between Cambridge Analytics, Facebook, and the Trump campaign, would come to prove these new media tools could move an electorate in any direction desired.
I found that there were forces that were well aware of the power of social media to manipulate political activity. Since the power of social media is so absolute, if a giant like Facebook had political motivations,  they could work to prevent any competition to the monopoly. This behavior would enable anti-democratic forces to manipulate voter intentions.    
I became involved in politics for the first time. I joined the Ron Paul  2008 presidential campaign. Then in the 2012 campaign, I became involved with the Republican party of  Douglas, Carroll, and Cobb counties. I was a delegate of the 13th district of Georgia. This convention was nullified by the state for not following proper procedures, with significant violations of rules and regulations. This was the only convention that had to be redone by state officials.  I  would begin to understand that our democracy was far less democratic than I had believed before.
In 2012, something was wrong with the Ron Paul campaign in Georgia.
Administrators refused to build a database of interested new people, they would only use Facebook, they kept those sites either closed or private, and they would not allow door to door canvassing. There was also a Russian guy that, for some unknown reason, had an elevated position in the campaign. Something that today, has made me rethink the whole situation in Russian terms, giving me a sense that Russians were now integral in the political process. 
A Quick Sidebar -  By January of 1992 the Soviet Union ended, on August 9 1999 Putin was appointed Prime Minister and built a government based on corruption. Russia now has commerce based immigration into the United States. It is now much easier to build commercial relations with Russian companies, companies that are part of a government that is far less democratic, and is based on corruption.
Birds of a feather will flock together. There would be many opportunities for corrupt elements in the United States to do business with Russia, and become better acquainted. 
It was becoming clear to me that there was a power structure working behind the scenes, for alternate purposes. In Georgia, the Ron Paul movement was run by an established group that would use the momentum created to motivate voters to elect local politicians, who had nothing to do with the movement. They would only pretend to be with the Ron Paul movement, while in actuality having an agenda to maintain the local Republican power structure.
This was the start of the Alt-Right movement. A movement based on a return to the precepts of our Constitution, of sound monetary policy, and of control of the Federal Reserve. What I noticed, was that although these were the talking points, the actual individuals that were in control were in no way interested in any change.
Around March of 2012, through my political involvement, I was befriended by a retired Los Angeles County Deputy, who shall be called “Retired Deputy.” Not the typical person that would wish to be my friend, and he was very motivated to become my close friend.   
I was becoming  aware of corrupt anomalies of the local republican political organization. In one conversation about these abnormalities with my new friend the “Retired Deputy”, I was told  that because of what I knew my life may be in danger. At the time I found this comment very odd. I did not think I really knew anything of any value, to warrant anyone wanting to kill me.
Today, I think the Ron Paul campaign (Georgia) was fake, and simply a way to slingshot a separate agenda under the guise of conservative values. For the local county participants, it appeared to me that the goal was to take 40 million dollars of county funds, for private use. Not that there's anything wrong with that, as it turns out, that's what politics is for. This is not to say Ron Paul was involved with this local money project, but the Ron Paul agenda provided the cover, and would be used for local, and more personal goals for the local cabal.
It turns out that these situations are far more prevalent than I had ever considered, and the later activities of Donald Trump as president would only magnify the situation.
Part 2
In 2014 Douglas County District Attorney David McDade, known by defense attorneys as "Teflon D.A.", resigned under a grand jury investigation. Also that same year, candidate for solicitor Matthew Krull, defense attorney Ed Napier, and individuals from Best Bonds, bail bonds company, took over the Douglas Republican party.  Matthew Krull will run for solicitor, and win. It was my opinion that having these close relations in these elected positions would create a conflict for justice in the county. Since the Douglas County coroner Randy Daniel was also part of this close click, these relationships could get even more conflictive to the concept of “Equal Justice.” 
I had spoken with the Democratic opponent for District Attorney, Sandra Dawson, and was told corruption was so bad that most attorneys would not bother to try cases in Douglas County. I will later see that this corruption can stretch to the Federal Courts, especially in Bankruptcy where Judges have the power to eliminate debt, and enrich Trustees.    
Douglas is just west of Atlanta, and still has quite a bit of old style prejudice. On I-20 west as you drive into the county you will see the tallest building in the county, the County Jail. A testament to incarceration as a primary business of the County. At the Republican party meetings, they tell a story with pride, about a black man apprehended just inside county lines, that says, “ Oh God, I thought I was in Fulton County.” This is how they point out that Douglas County is well known for being harsh to offenders, as opposed to the other Atlanta Counties.
I point out this tendency to prejudice, because I do not know for certain what is the root cause of the situation I will describe. Certainly one possible cause of the events that will harm me, would be prejudice.   As the locals would put it, I am a  "little dark."
A most valued lesson I learned from my involvement in politics was “ALL POLITICS ARE LOCAL”.  Society is stratified, and one of those strata is your local political community. Local politics is formed by tight knit groups, who tend to defend established positions of employment, and economic privilege. They will work together to prevent any real democratic activity. In worst cases, they will evolve into organized criminal activity, with captains, and lieutenants, to enforce a power structure dedicated to self benefit.
The three most vital aspects of these types of political groups are,
1. To take advantage of the system for the benefit of the group
2. To appear as the good guys to the population at large.  
3. To pretend an adversarial position to one another.
If you create an argument, and your people are on both sides of the argument, you will always win the argument.   
Niccolò Machiavelli wrote in the 15th century, and is considered the father of political science. He explains that success in politics requires that you be good to your own people, and harm all others.  To act as the good guy, while in actuality taking advantage of the community you govern. Like a magic trick you distract the public focus away from what you are doing with terror and crimes you cause, but blame your acts on your opponent. You can’t have a strong government without a perceived need for it, and the best need for government is the fear of harm. Today we also have immigrants, racial differences, and many other distractions that can be useful to intimidate a population.    
In Douglas County, if the only way you have of making money is the jail, everyone starts looking like a criminal. The entire political agenda is focused on crime, fomenting racial division, and funding a police force you control.    
In a democracy, the key to power is to keep everyone away from the actual political process. In all elections make certain your people are the only choices, this way you can’t lose. There is no good, or bad policy to consider, there is no black or white race distinctions, there is only one concern,  who has power, and the absolute means to keep it.  
Ron Paul was perfect for this strategy, his movement would add an idealistic, populist, and radical bend to the conservative Republican platform. Voters would be encouraged to chase after a freedom carrot, they would be told of a revolution for freedom, but all would be the opposite. In fact, they would be in the firm hands of a very well established Republican party, they would end up with less freedom, and be taxed even more. It is surprising how well lies can work, if you repeat a lie enough, - people will believe it.
There was no hope of any monetary revolution, no one actually would try to change or audit the Federal Reserve; this proposal had the opposite of intention.
This was the start of the alt-right movement, and its followers would all be duped. This movement came off the back of Ron Paul, and a freedom movement that was based on conspiracies, and false libertarian economics. They wanted to break up the Federal Reserve, close down the State Department, eliminate the Department of Education, and shrink the government. What could be better for Putin’s Russia than to close down the United States?  Of course the Russians would back, or possibly even create this entire movement.  Remember this is 2008-2012- not 2016.
What we think of evil is made of  many small events. Local political groups take money from local communities, State political bosses take money from state revenues. Federal political bosses are the big boys, they have the U.S. treasury, international projects, and of course there are wars which are the most profitable of all. All this while the people that put these crooks in power think of them as saviors. 
It is remarkable that for most of human history we have admired the nobility. The Royal families that would rule us are held in high esteem, while in fact they are the most ruthless and dominant of our species. Nothing has changed, we are ruled by sociopaths, and we are all but ignorant fools moved by our pride and a perceived kinship to community. 
Let’s review:
The reason I became involved in politics in the first place, was because of the internet. I feared the internet, and the free access to information that came with it.  I thought these God fearing Americans would get wise to the fact that we lived under a system that was far more tyrannical than democratic, and they would make a mess.
But as it turns out things don’t work that way, the public is stupid. The gentile masses are only manipulated from the top down, or even from other nations, grassroots movements are a myth and an act of theatre.   
We would begin to see conspiracy websites like Alex Jones popping up. No real thinking person that understood the freefall speed of gravity could accept 9/11 as described. Most people didn't know that the federal reserve was a private, and secret organization. A conspiracy culture would be created, real news would be called fake news, the foolish population would be given causes to rise up to and become politically active for the Republican cause. It was brilliant! 
Voters would be given conspiracies to excite them. All you needed were candidates that were willing to lie, to lie a whole lot!  As there is no shortage of lyers, candidates would ride on the backs of these waves of conspiracies, the fear of immigrants, Islam, you name it … The object was simple ... get elected, and then do the opposite. 
Humanity has always been a society composed of a ruling class making a living from the servitude of a lower class.
Democracy is a very recent experiment, and works mostly because people are trusting, and too ignorant to know any better. I thought the internet would change this, people would become enlightened. The ruling class would then feel threatened, and do what they have always done… create rebellion, and insurrection or simply shoot people to shut them up. I mistakenly thought I could work to prevent such problems.   
In politics, outsiders never really get involved. Yes, people vote, some speak up, and maybe they will stand in the rain for a cause, but no one actually shows up at party conventions (other than the local political ruling class). Political activity is top down, and grassroots political movements are generally orchestrated from the top down.
Machiavelli explains how the ruling class must operate both opposing sides of the political argument. There is a recipe - First you torture the population, then you lead the people into a rebellion to stop the torture, you install a Napoleon willing to fire cannons at the mob, restore order, and people are satisfied… they will then love you.  Repeat the steps of this recipe as required.
The surface talk is of course, “Make America Great”, the Constitution, race, religious values, and justice, but in fact the goal is always power. The objective is the ability to maintain and control the political positions held by the ruling class and to govern. Only from these political positions can you continue the corruption, to make the money to pay off  your people, keep them loyal, and support the ruler in power behind the scenes.
Machiavelli wrote "The Prince"  as instructions for a Prince. His recipe is the policy of government for tyranny, not a democracy. You should note that our “we the people” democracy is a very new experiment, and it has never been done before. We know that there are still forces in America that are very tyrannical. We also know that, “birds of a feather flock together”, corruption in America makes pals with corruption anywhere. The most important issue for tyrannical governments, for example “Putin’s Russia”,  is to put an end to the American democracy.
For tyrants, a beacon of freedom and justice like the United States, can be very troublesome!       
The Alt-Right is not a grassroots movement, but a very well organized top down movement, created by established political powers, in collusion with Russia. There were many collaborators, many aware, many unwittingly.  It will be this movement that will eventually bring ist local followers in mass to the insurrection at the Capitol of 2021. 
There will always be collaboration between tyrannical forces in America with those in Russia, and every other tyranny throughout the world.
In a democracy, the ruling class will always rule in secret, this can not be altered. What can be altered is how the ruling class choose to rule the lower classes.