2. Economic Development Incentive R-u

I don't want to miss this opportunity to say that I believe there is no evil, and that evil is a theological term. 
Evil for one person is success for another, evil is only the way we perceive an event. 
But, ignorance, and stupidity are very real, and these traits breed greed. For a society, the problems caused by greed arise only because we lack transparency in government. For those of you who are mystical, you would call this the Occult. 
If you don’t know you are  being robbed, you can be robbed forever.  That's not evil, it's common sense.
Economic Incentives are a transfer of money away from the local tax base into a private corporation. They provide for those in politics, an opportunity to benefit from the exchange.
It is always a bad idea for politicians to make investments in the private sector. If a community wants jobs, to build better schools, and have smarter people, giving away the money you had to build schools and infrastructure is a bad idea. To use government money for business ventures is called communism. 
When elected officials are responsible for spending large amounts of tax revenue, there is an incentive created for corruption, and they will find ways to transfer tax money into private hands.
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” ― 
Thomas Jefferson.
We may talk politics, but few ever participate. 
A dialectic is a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view,  and is the basis of politics.  In a democracy, the people will polarize to different ideas, argue the points of the idea and make choices.  
The ideal form of corruption occurs when it becomes possible to control both sides of this argument. If your political community has achieved this goal of unity, they will control the outcome of all political arguments, and will only pretend to argue over choices. Your government has then become a theater that is in the business of legally taking funds from the public for the personal gain of a political cabal. What you end up with is a shadow government that is the most able criminal organization possible. 
Douglas County commissioners proposed the Foxhall project in 2014.
This proposal to give 40 plus  million dollars to a developer in south Douglas county. In a county with an annual tax base of only 80 million dollars. Although I have attempted to understand this transaction, documentation is not public, therefore I can only speak to what was publicly spoken about.  
This type of  transaction can only occur when there is sufficient political control over the tax base, to favor particular individuals over all others.
At the time I had built the website for the Douglas Republican party. Worked with Shane Davis in the creation of "River City, a new municipality in Douglas county. Suddenly Shane was fired from his employment at "Best Bonds," and the "River City" project was abandoned. 
I never knew why they fired Shane, I heard it was for working on the River City Project. The Foxhall Project would have taken a large portion of county revenue. If River City had been created, the county may have not given them the money they were asking for.  
I also built a specialized website to assist republican Ann Guider (incumbent), against her republican challenger. She is the only commissioner to oppose the Fox Hall proposal, Ann Guider wins the election by 28 votes.
The “Retired Deputy”, establishes a new friendship with Ann Guider’s opponent.    
In 2016, Douglas County coroner Randy Daniel admits offering money to his opponent: "I'll give you money if you drop out." Coincidentally later in my bankruptcy case, (which will ruin me)  a local resident of the County, Gregory Daniel is one of two bidders in a questionable auction to buy my property.
It is the general opinion of those knowledgeable of Douglas County government that there is a large network of individuals involved in the manipulation of the Douglas political agenda. This is a normal practice in most local governments, but particularly powerful in this southern community.
Clandestine organizations are difficult to document, yet, they can control County business to the benefit of a few, to the exclusion of all others, and go unnoticed. Organizations such as these work in a variety of forms, legal, quasi-legal, and some criminal. A particular method of making money when you control the courts is the contingent sale of property, which is then caused to return to the seller to be resold again.
Imagine you sell someone a property, and offer them a mortgage,  then you interfere or intimidate, and run the new buyer out of town taking the property back.   
These organizations or groups can prevent unwanted outsiders from entering the political, or business community. If these groups are sophisticated enough to fully control the local government, the extortion payments can be simply taken care of through property taxes.
This is why Donalad Trump and Republicans are so satisfied with all the Judges they have placed on the Federal Court benches.  It is through the Courts where you execute corruption and can attack anyone that will blow whistles or set off alarms.     
Corruption can extend through the entire government, and can spread internationally. Long ago, Russia found an ideal opportunity with the Republicans and Donald Trump to advance his form of government into the United States.  
The premise of this article is to describe how corruption can range from local to international. Corruption must be seen as an aristocracy with a long international history.  Young local members proving themselves in hopes of reaching top positions in a long chain of patronage.  A closed community based on a certain "honor among thieves" code,  recommending one to one another for discretion, and never "ratting out" the clan. 
Offshore tax havens don't advertise as such, yet an international community based on corruption will quickly adopt the same tactics.  Laws are enacted, and like ants to sugar, the community is advised, and acts to take advantage. The newest, and most powerful member of this community is Putin's Russia, and has become a bad influence on America's ideals.
E B 5 visa, employment-based fifth preference category  provides a method for eligible Immigrant Investors to become lawful permanent residents, by investing at least $1,000,000 to finance a business in the United States.
Money Laundering 
 "plagued by widespread fraud and political corruption, which might facilitate money laundering, investment fraud or even terrorist travel. provides a method for eligible Immigrant Investors to become lawful permanent residents — informally known as "green card" holders — by investing at least $1,000,000 to finance a business in the United States.”   
 From   CNBC 
The proposed Foxhall project in Douglas County ...
"Roysson Global has committed to raise 89 Million Dollars in E B 5 Funds for the Foxhall Westin Resort. ” 
The Trump Family
"benefit to the president’s extended family: renewal of a program offering permanent residence in the United States to affluent foreigners investing money in real estate projects here...  illustrates the problems of the so-called E B 5 visa program… insufficient safeguards against illicit money coming into the United States . ”  
The E B-5 program is an incentive for organized networks to be created that would facilitate the conversion of these million dollar payments into United States E B 5 visas, providing an excellent mechanism for money laundering, and investment fraud.