

From...  https://www.conservativereview.com/articles/the-corrupt-eb-5-immigration...

Here’s how EB-5 scams usually go down:

1. The con men usually promise some new development or large investment project to a community in a targeted economic area. These are, ostensibly, poor, rural zones with high unemployment, but have typically been gerrymandered to include affluent urban areas as well.

2. While the townspeople are preparing for the influx of capital by making investments in their own businesses, the scammers start soliciting funds from wealthy foreigners by dangling the promise of a guaranteed green card.

3. As the money rolls in, the scammers line their pockets with investment cash. Meanwhile, vendors don’t get paid, buildings never get built, projects fall apart, people lose their money, and communities end up with only long, drawn-out court investigations to show for it.

This is exactly the sort of thing that happened in Newport, Vt., Port St. Lucie, Fla., and dozens of other cities and towns across the United States (The Center for Immigration Studies maintains a map that outlines dozens of federal, state, local, and civil cases involving EB-5 visa scandals that have rocked towns across the country.)If you have insight

“It’s no secret that the program has long been riddled with corruption and national security vulnerabilities,” Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa (D, 66%) told the Times.

“I don’t believe that America should be selling visas and eventually citizenship,” Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. (F, 0%) added. “The right to immigrate should not be for sale.”



The part of the EB-5 program under discussion on the Hill allows an alien investor with no other qualifications to secure a set of green cards for the investor, the investor’s spouse, and all their under 21-years-of-age children if $500,000 is invested in a Department of Homeland Security-approved, non-guaranteed investment. These investments are handled (and sometimes mishandled) by a set of DHS-licensed regional centers.


EB-5 visa fraud, please let us know: help@cis.org (please add “EB-5” to the subject heading).