Your new page


A new way of understanding the web and social media that will affect the way we do business and live our lives.

For starters I have built  a Listing page on your community site for your business.

Please check your page to be certain your information is correct.  You can visit your page by going to the site and looking through the directory, map, or use the sites search option.

Your basic listing is free and comes with a basic user account that will give you free business tools. The process I would like to see is...

1. You use these tools for free.

2. Notice how useful they are.

3. Hire us to incorporate them into your business activity.    T

These community sites are operated in collaboration with other local businesses. 

They showcase your business and this technology. Users get a hands on approach on how to use these tools in business and personal life. Sites provide collaborative social media and marketing tools that give you control of community data for marketing in ways not possible before.     

These community sites can become the bedrock for sales and marketing for your business.

We will show you that a web site can be more than just a place  to display your business attributes. It can be a powerful computer that serves as the core for a variety of innovative business and personal applications.

The system we advocate is made of the same elements that are the building blocks of the internet. Systems that integrate well with the dominant components of the web such as Linux, Apache, MySQL, Google, Facebook and the other core participants of the web.

Our information site has articles that will explain what the technology can do and how to use it.


Websites are a must for business, and a personal necessity.

If you are interested in this for your business, you should know that the knowledge you gain here will serve you and your family as well.

We use computers in our personal lives. Think of this as just a much better computer, that can hold more data, email better, sort better and more secure. The single most important tool for personal computing.

For a moment think of all the information (content) you have generated during your life. Would it not be good to have it all in one place? To be able to save, sort, and share all of it and never loose it?

Think of the first letter you wrote... where is it ? (Lost) 

Your first Facebook post, where is it ? (Safe but not in your hands) 

For a business not loosing documents is a must and we as people will soon all learn the importance of personal content and how to best keep it safe and secure.  

We provide a variety of advanced solutions not available to you before. From a website that uses social media to interact with customers, to e-commerce, email marketing, accounting, CRM and more.

Click here to understand why this software and updates will always be free

This is the most advanced web technology available. You don't pay for this technology, you use it, contribute and participate.

I trust you will value our relationship and in the future will permit us to work with you to develop the best solution for any web, data or computational need you may have. 


Sincerely,   Metroecho  404 567 5869