Georgia Highway 166

Timeless Antiques

An interesting shop----something for everyone
8050 Villa Rica Highway Dallas Georgia 30157  770 459 2323
Deborah Lucero 770 846 3335 Karen Dasher 770 855 5184

Lady Bug Creations


8391 Highway 166, Douglasville, GA (678) 838-3384    

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Ebenezer Baptist Church


Terry Braswell, Jr.   7305 Georgia 166 Douglasville, GA 30135 (770) 942-6734

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W W auto experts 678 8946684

W W auto experts  678 894 6684 .. general auto repair  6661 post  30135   wordpress site is new and is hard to find in search 

W&W Auto Experts Welcomes Your Call Today  770-301-2344.

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