
Douglas Political Map

District Attorney David McDade’s office paid 19 employees

By the Douglas County Sentinel on September 10th

Douglas County District Attorney David McDade’s office paid 19 employees more than $230,000 from seized drug funds but didn’t withhold any taxes.

As a result, the county is expected to pay $50,304 in Social Security, Medicare and other withholding taxes and could face penalties from the Internal Revenue Service and Georgia Department of Revenue.

Douglas County Democratic Party

Meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month.

•November 9, 2013
•December 14, 2013
Buisness Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held the Monday before every second Saturday

•October 28, 2013 (November changed due to General Election)
•December 9, 2013

Georgia House of Representatives elections, 2012

District 66

Note: Incumbent Virgil Fludd (D) won re-election in District 64.

Community Economics

Douglas Republican Party

New Website  http://www.douglascountyrepublicans.com/

Website... Douglasgop.com


Chairman Ed Napier

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